Britney Fans Forever! Britney Spears has had more than her share of ups and downs over the past few years. But with a successful new album, Circus, and a nationwide tour packing in crowds all across the country, she's definitely back on top.

However, some of her die-hard supporters beg to differ -- because they insist she never went away in the first place! Before and after Britney's Pittsburgh concert on Friday, most fans agreed, comeback or not, Spears was on top of her game.

"I don't think she ever went away," said 21-year-old Hugh Stumpp. "She's on top of the world right now and she's continued to grow and it's great."

"Her huge tour comeback just shows how great of an artist she really is and shows how she can bounce back from anything," added 20-year-old Steve Delong.

As fans left the show donning their handmade "It's Britney, B---h" T-shirts and replicas of her famous music-video looks, it was quite obvious that these supporters had never left Britney's side.

"Everyone just goes through a rough patch," said Danielle DeRuschi, 20. "If you like her you stand up for her and you just follow her through the end."

Über fan Natalie Nilon, 27, was ecstatic that Spears was back on top, but she did notice that one aspect of the old Britney was missing.

"When she first came out a long time ago, she talked a lot more and she interacted more with the crowd," Nilon said. "I just wanted to hear more from her because, you know, it was her chance to talk. But it was still good to hear her say, 'What's up, Pittsburgh!' "

Lori Barker, 29, who donned a replica of Spears' sexy stewardess ensemble from the "Toxic" video, also had one minor request for the singer on her next tour.

"Take me backstage!" Barker cried.

She's probably not the only one wishing for that. 



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