#Britney Army! Today 1 Minute snippets of EVERY song from "Britney Jean" Leaked onto the internet! I do not know where these songs are and who leaked them but I am NOT gonna listen to them! I advise that you do not either! I'll explain why! Britney says that this is for her most DIE HARD Britney Fans! (That means we should be able to hold on until Dec. 3rd for the release) We have been with her since the beginning! I know I have! This is her most PERSONAL record EVER! This project means a lot to her and she has busted her butt to make it the best yet! I have heard "Perfume", "WB" "Alien" and "Passagner". (I'll admit it) but I also am a Singer/Songwriter and I can relate to why they are mad about it leaking.
(I have been singing since I was 4 and writing lyrics since I was 13. I'm now 27 you do the math!)
 If I was working on an album and poured my heart and soul into it I would be pissed if the public heard it before its release. From a writing prospective I can relate to Britney as an artist she co-wrote on EVERY track. ALOT emotionally goes into writing lyrics you really become an open book when you choose to be and she has chosen to truly do that with this project. We should respect her and all of the people behind the scenes that have put this together for us! So #BritneyArmy please wait until Dec 3rd and BUY the album and just enjoy the songs that are out now! If "Work Bitch" and "Perfume" are any indication of what "Britney Jean" is going to be like then trust me It will be worth the wait!


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