Top 75 Most Iconic Things Britney Spears Did In 2014
75. When she took a picture with a fan named Heidi.
Getty Images
73. Aviatorney
Arguably her most worn pair of sunglasses of 2014 besides those white ones.
72. Soccer Momney
Clap on, you’re a mom now!
70. That time Brunetteney showed up to Elton John’s party.
Mark Davis / Getty Images
69. That time she took a photo with a fan, threw up the deuces, and gave some duckface
It was just really awkward and endearing.
68. When she found out that Taylor Swift didn’t take her first-week sales record and she had no idea she even held the record in the first place, so she tooted her own horn.
66. That time she went to Starbucks on Aug. 10.
Because anytime she goes to Starbucks it’s iconic.
60. My Own Worst Enemyney
Honest and raw. Her “for the record” moment of the year.
57. That time Femme Fataleney made a surprise appearance in Vegas.
56. Pink Wigney
Mark Davis
A Halloween exclusive.
55. That time she was singing “Perfume” and her eyes bulged out of her head like, what the fuck?
Like, what did she just see?
54. That time she wore a crop top and literally showed up all of your younger faves.
53. That time she did that weird butt jiggle thing at the end of a “Piece of Me” performance.
52. That time her and Fe re-created their pose.
Best friends after all of these years. Love them so much <3 b="">3>
50. Tinderney
48. That time she played Jesus and fed her dancers pizza and salad as if it were the Last Supper.
47. Genuinely Confusedney
44. When she celebrated Britney Day channeling her 2000 AMA red-carpet past self.
43. That time she met Gaga and they both looked like drag queens.
40. When she got Larry Rudolph back for 17 years of agony and abuse.
30. When she had this really cool mom moment.
28. Every. Single. Goddamn time she slays that “Work Bitch” dance break during “Piece of Me.”
26. That time she said she did a Vine Q&A.
Random, but whatever. We’ll take what we’re given!
25. Social Medianey
In charge of her own destiny, and by destiny, I mean Twitter. WHO KNEW!?
22. That time she won a People’s Choice Award and forgot how to walk up stairs.
19. When this picture was taken of her sitting in a car looking all sorts of 2002.
15. Women’s Healthney
Women’s Health Magazine
It’s called extreme contouring and fuck all the haters that didn’t know that. She’s a mom now! Stop body- and makeup-shaming, people. It’s 2014!
14. When she waited in line at a Starbucks in Planet Hollywood.
It’s just a perfect picture.
13. That time she thought she was 62-year-old woman speaking about something that happened 37 years ago.
12. When some guy started speaking Polish and it scared the shit out of her.
10. When she gave the most important Woody Woodpecker impression of the past 25 years.
7. The “Break The Ice” breakdown on February 19
Honestly, we were not worthy nor ready for this.
6. When she was having a really really shitty day and found someone with shoes with hearts on them.
5. That time she called out her low-rent cheating-ass slam piece, David Lucado, during a “Piece of Me” performance.
4. When Lynne Spears took this perfect picture of Britney in the recording studio with her holy water (Starbucks) and prayer candles (menthol cigarettes) RECORDING NEW MUSIC.
3. “The boys are running, they’re ahead of me. She’s being ferocious. I’m bored. Bye!”
The Instagram that changed. it. all.
2. Scooterney
While continuing to slay all of your faves on Instagram, Britney decided to go all “like dumb and dumber” on us in this highly personal Instagram. The birth of many memes, an important relic of Britney Jean’s history. Scooterney’s impact.
1. “Artsy Fartsy”
Automatically and instantly iconic. A permanent fixture in our Britney lexicon. A testament of hope for 2015 that we’re going to get some bomb-ass music. So very cool.
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